Explore Your Relationship with Alcohol and Drugs
Discover a path that works for you

For Myself

For a Loved One

For Professionals

— Ben
The New Mexico 5-Actions Program is free, paid for by the state’s Behavioral Health Services Division. It’s a safe, trusted resource you can access 24/7.
How It Works
The New Mexico 5-Actions Program offers you a fast and effective way to assess your symptoms and better understand the degree to which they are impacting your life. You’re then guided to learn more about your specific life challenges through educational videos and tools, before engaging in interventions to address them.

If at any time while using the program you want to talk with someone about your drinking, use of drugs, or behaviors including gambling, eating, or shopping, you can because it’s connected to the state’s Peer-to-Peer Warmline staffed by Certified Peer Specialists.
New Mexico leads the nation in alcohol-related deaths, with an average of four people dying every day due to excessive drinking.
This program can help you:

Why It Works
The program works because it helps you better understand why your use of substances makes sense even when you experience negative consequences.

Includes free 24/7
phone supportScreening tools to motivate change
Addresses substance & behavioral addictions
Resources to help
a loved oneOver 100 3-5
minute videosTools to access professional treatment
Signing up is fast, confidential, and free. See what’s on the other side of addiction.
Answers to Your Questions
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The NM 5-Actions Program™ is free, paid for by the state’s Behavioral Health Services Division.
This program is not a substitute for professional medical or health care advice which should be obtained directly from your healthcare provider.
Log In or Sign Up
Need Help? Call the NM Crisis & Access line at (855) 662-7474.
If this is a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.